Body sculpting1
The revolutionary, non-invasive, monopolar RF body sculpting platform offers a personalized solution with an optimal experience and proven results in as little as one 15-minute, hands-free treatment.

truSculpt in action
This technology is clinically proven to provide an average of 24% fat reduction and tailors to patients’ individual needs.2
Not all applications are approved in all geographies. Consult the Operator Manual for the indications approved in your area.
truSculpt technology
Three compatible handpieces give you even more versatility from truSculpt: hands-free 2 MHz 40 cm2, Handheld 2 MHz 40 cm2, Handheld 1 MHz 16 cm2
Hand-held 40 cm2, 2 MHz
Hands-free 40 cm2, 2 MHz
Hands-free 16 cm2, 1 MHz
Before and after results
Hear from our customers
"TruSculpt is a fat blasting machine, it's probably the most comfortable and quickest fat - blasting machine on the market."

"One of the most popular treatments in our practice now is truBody, which is the combination of truSculpt to get rid of the fat and truFlex to actually tone the muscle."

"truSculpt is a 15-minute treatment, it feels like a very warm hot stone massage"

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Rapid Muscle Sculpting
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