Solutions for younger-looking skin
A customized solution for every patient
With many treatments available today for skin revitalization and resurfacing, Cutera offers a range of clinically proven solutions, from laser to RF microneedling to fit your lifestyle and skin concerns.
excel HR
excel HR is a leading high-volume hair removal platform featuring safe and effective treatments on all skin and hair types combined with the versatility to treat veins, color inconsistencies, and skin aging concerns.7


After 1 treatment session
Photos courtesy of Brian Biesman, MD
Other Face and body solutions
1. Tierney E and Hanke W. Fractionated Carbon Dioxide Laser Treatment of Photoaging: Prospective Study in 45 Patients and Review of the Literature. Dermatol Surg. 2011;37(9):1279-1290. 2. Yadav S and Singh A. Microneedling: Advances and Widening Horizons. Indian Dermatology Online Journal. 2016;7(4):244. 3. Ryu H-W, et al. Clinical Improvement of Striae Distensae in Korean Patients Using a Combination of Fractionated Microneedle Radiofrequency and Fractional Carbon Dioxide Laser. Dermatol Surg. 2013;39(10):1452–1458. 4. Excel V+ Operator Manual Cutera Inc. Dxxxx, Rev. x, xx/xx. [Need document details from client. Very likely the same document as Excel V in which case we renumber] 5. Enlighten Operator Manual Cutera Inc. Dxxxx, Rev. x, xx/xx. [Need document details from client] 6. Xeo Operator Manual Cutera Inc. Dxxxx, Rev. x, xx/xx. [Need document details from client] 7. Excel HR Operator Manual Cutera Inc. Dxxxx, Rev. x, xx/xx. [Need document details from client. Very likely the same document as Excel V in which case we renumber]