

Skin revitalization and resurfacing, pigmented lesions, tattoo removal

enlighten combines three highly effective wavelengths (532, 1064, and 670 nm) and dual pulse durations (2 ns and 660/750 ps) to effectively remove multi-color tattoos and introduce an entirely new approach to effective, and quick improvements in the appearance of unwanted pigment and overall skin quality.1-3

The enlighten device. The enlighten device.
About enlighten

enlighten in action

Tattoo, pigment, skin revitalization

Tattoos and pigment are composed of multiple colors, which require multiple wavelengths to effectively remove.4 enlighten’s three wavelengths and dual pulse durations effectively remove unwanted tattoos and pigment – even those resistant to traditional treatments.1-3 enlighten’s skin revitalization treatments – PICO Genesis and PICO Genesis FX – safely address pigmentary concerns and induce dermal disruption to remodel the skin and treat acne scars in fewer than three sessions.1-3

enlighten technology

  • Dual pulse durations: 2ns and 660/750 ps1
  • Three fully integrated laser wavelengths – 532, 1064, and 670 nm1
  • Micro Lens Array (MLA) for effective treatments on acne scars1
  • Safe for all skin types1

Looking for a device specialized for skin revitalization?

Cutera’s enlighten SR is designed exactly for that – skin revitalization. enlighten SR combines two highly effective wavelengths (532 and 1064 nm) and ultra-short picosecond pulses (750 ps) to introduce an entirely new approach to gentle, effective, and quick improvements in the appearance of unwanted pigment and overall skin quality. Attach the enlighten MLA to effectively treat acne scars on all skin types.3

Before and after results

Before and Afters of varius products

  • enlighten

    Before image for enlighten.

    Tattoo Removal

    After image for enlighten.

    Tattoo Removal

    After 4 treatment sessions

    Photos courtesy of Benjamin Boudreaux, MD

  • enlighten

    Before image for enlighten.

    Tattoo Removal

    After image for enlighten.

    Tattoo Removal

    After 5 treatment sessions

    Photos courtesy of Benjamin Boudreaux, MD

  • enlighen

    Before image for enlighten.

    Tattoo Removal

    After image for enlighten.

    Tattoo Removal

    After 3 treatment sessions

    Photos courtesy of Erasable, Inc.


Hear from our customers

"We wanted to offer a tattoo removal we knew was going to work. We knew this device was going to be very effective with nano second and pico second technology. We are able to give our patients a second chance to erase tattoo regret."

Manu Aggarwal, MD

Indications for Use: The 1064 nm wavelength of the enlighten III laser system is indicated for: treatment of benign pigmented lesions on patients with all skin types (Fitzpatrick I-VI); tattoo removal for dark colored tattoo inks and for multicolored tattoos containing dark colored tattoo inks on patients with all skin types (Fitzpatrick I-VI); treatment of acne scars on patients with Fitzpatrick skin types II-V when used with the Micro Lens Array handpiece attachment. The 670 nm wavelength of the enlighten III laser system is indicated for: treatment of benign pigmented lesions on patients with Fitzpatrick skin types I-III; tattoo removal for lighter colored tattoo inks, including green and blue inks, on patients with Fitzpatrick skin types II-IV. The 532 nm wavelength of the enlighten III laser system is indicated for: treatment of benign pigmented lesions on patients with Fitzpatrick skin types I-IV; tattoo removal for lighter colored tattoo inks, including red and yellow inks, on patients with Fitzpatrick skin types I-III.

Contraindications: Pregnant patients; patients undergoing treatment for skin cancer.

Important Safety Information: The following treatment-related expected transient side effects and possible adverse events may occur during or following treatment with enlighten: Discomfort; Immediate ashy change in benign pigmented lesions;Hyperpigmentation; Hypopigmentation; Petechiae; Purpura; Blisters; Edema; Erythemal Allergic reaction; Bullae; Scabs; Crusting; Texture changes; Infection; Scarring; Persistence of pigmented lesion; Incomplete tattoo removal; Paradoxical darkening or color change; Bleeding of ink into surrounding skin.

Warnings: Do not treat or treat over dysplastic nevi or questionable pigmented lesions. Only benign pigmented lesions are treatable. Accurate pre-operative diagnosis is very important to prevent treatments on malignant lesions.

Precautions: Current medications (both routine and occasional use); Accutane – do not treat if taken in the last 6 months; Gold Therapy – may cause blue-gray discoloration; Photosensitizing drugs (Tetracycline, etc) – perform test spots and adjust parameters accordingly; Anticoagulants – may increase risk of purpura or bruising; Bleeding disorders; Vitiligo or history of pigmentary disorders, particularly tendency for hyper- or hypopigmentation; Herpes – heat from the treatment could induce a flare-up; pretreatment with an antiviral may be indicated; Wound infections; Open lesions – treatments should only be performed on intact, healthy skin; History of coagulopathies; History of keloid or hypertrophic scarring; Diabetes – may impede wound healing; History of seizure disorders due to light. Refer to the Operator Manual to view the laser safety labels of the product.